Neck pain and Cervical spondylosis

Suffering from neck pain?
Just don’t ignore it even if it is mild or tolerable one, because in future it can lead to severe pathology.
Let us have a look at Anatomy of neck. Neck is made up of seven cervical vertebrae, various muscles, joints, ligaments, etc. as shown into the picture below, various nerves and blood vessels of arms and head pass through it. Several nerve roots pass through the space between the cervical vertebrae. Any problem in the joints, bones, muscles blood vessels or nerves can give rise to pain in neck and it may extend to arms and hands.

 Following are some conditions which can cause you neck pain.
·         Cervical spondylosis
·         Fusion of vertebrae
·         Extra rib
·         Brachial plexus injury
·         Birth defects
·         Fractures
·         Arterial block
·         Muscle strain
·         Postural defect/habit

Cervical spondylosis (Also known as cervical osteoarthritis)
It is degenerative condition of cervical spine. There is degeneration of bones, which can cause osteophyte formation on the margins of the spine. Now, nerve roots impinged in the vertebral osteophytes which can cause pain , simultaneously neck muscles contract to prevent impingement. This again can give rise to spasm of the muscles and neck pain. Due to impingement of root of the nerves of arm and hand, there is a radiating pain towards the arms and hands. It can be unilateral or bilateral according to the severity of impingement. Sometimes this can give rise to numbness of hands, and if severe, it can cause loss of sensation in hand and inability to hold things. It can lead to paralysis of hands.
   If degenerative changes are in first three vertebrae, it may cause impingement of lower part of brain which can create symptoms like giddiness and headache.

Symptoms :
·         Neck pain
·         Pain may refer to one or both hands
·         sometimes giddiness, headache
·         Loss of sensation of hands in severe cases.

How to diagnose Cervicle Spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is diagnosed by various means. Your symptoms of pain is first indication, which can be confirmed by X ray.
In severity of symptoms CT scan or MRI can be done to view the amount of degeneration of bone and impingement of nerve.
Some times EMG(Electormyography) and NCV(Nerve conduction velocity) tests may be required to know the effect of impingement on nerve roots.

Treatment of cervical spondylosis is a management procedure for pain relief and prevention for further worsening.
 Analgesic medicine is the treatment of line by allopathic system. Muscle relaxants may be added if too much muscle spasm is present. In severe impingement, there may be need of surgical release.
Physiotherapy Treatment
A physiotherapist assesses the pain, spasm of the muscle, movement of neck, posture, muscle strength, etc. Treatment is given according to symptoms, and ergonomic advice given according to need of the patient. Physiotherapy treatment is has advantage of having no side effect.
Ayurved also can help in management of cervical spondylosis.

Important notes for cervical spondylosis patients:
  •          Avoid continuous sitting.
  •          Avoid lifting weight
  •          Take care of posture at work or pastime
  •          Take breaks,get up from chair after every 20 minutes
  •          Wear correct glasses for eye site
  •          Work in enough lighting.
  •          Do regular exercise to maintain neck strength, flexibility and range of motion.
  •          Use firm mattress, thin pillow.
  •         Avoid bad roads for travelling.
  •        Don’t hold phone between head and shoulder.
  •     Consider ergonomics.

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